
Allocation Wells:  Lease Line Wells, The Box Rule & How to Calculate (2023)
Allocation Wells: Lease Line Wells, The Box Rule & How to Calculate (2023)
PP presentation on allocation wells, production sharing agreement wells, and lease line allocation wells. The presentation also focuses on DO calculations and protections when using allocation wells.
Real Estate vs. Oil & Gas Developers (2008)
Real Estate vs. Oil & Gas Developers (2008)
A look at when a surface estate owner or developer and a mineral estate owner or oil and gas operator find themselves irreconcilably opposed in their uses of the same land.
Pooling the Non-Executive Interests: Have You Had Your Consent Today? (2000)
Pooling the Non-Executive Interests: Have You Had Your Consent Today? (2000)
A look at issues affecting non-executive mineral interests as they relate to pooling.
Oil & Gas Law for the Rest of Us (2009)
Oil & Gas Law for the Rest of Us (2009)
A brief outline of some key issues affecting landowners.
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